I'm just happened to bump into this video clip when i was surfing on FB. This clip really nice and i 'd finished listen to it. so i decided to share it here, you guys should listen to it. Thanks Chun Keat for sharing it. Keep up with the good work!
Here's another nice video clip of the day to share and dedicate to those i love and love me. It's really very touching. Check this out, guys!!
There's lot of things in this world that you will never know until you did it, it's just not like you can imagine/hallucinate/predict/pretend that you know it. Ya, you can't. I can't explain why, but i really think so. One thing bout me is i m weird sometimes. Why do i say so, you know, i m so stubborn that i stick to some "rules" or "principles" that i draw for myself which is groundless. I just never thought of breaking them. WHY AM I NOT? *wondering*
Lately my workload started to pile up and it's good for me. Busy is good and i like to be busy. Exam is around the corner so both of my work and studies will keep me occupied for coming few months. Gonna be ready to take the coming challenge !! *Aza-Aza, Fighting* *grin*
Life is good, so don't lose hope. Gonna go prepare my monthly budget d. Btw, Happy November, everyone!! it's gonna be a good kick-start =) Bu-bye!
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