Monday, December 17, 2012


Some of you may knew that i 'd left my previous job and working in a new company currently. I'm ready for the new challenges and left my previous position in order to make the move.

I'd went through a few interviews  before i decided to work in my current co. and I actually got offers from all of these companies that pay me 30% to 60% rise of my previous salary. I'd promised to share my personal experiences on job interviews and I think I should blog about it now.

I believe that job interview could be stressful experience to many people, including myself. I got butterflies in my stomach everytime before an interview :( and the best way to reduce stress is to be prepared.


Choose what you love only
I don't think there's ever a reason to apply for more than three or four jobs at a time. Any sign that you're applying for 50 or 100 jobs just makes you look desperate which makes you look unqualified. You want to look like you are good enough to be in heavy demand and able to decide where you want to work, because you're smart enough to have a choice in the matter, SO YOU ONLY NEED TO APPLY FOR ONE OR TWO JOBS.

First impression count
Even if you didn't realised, people start judging you even before you press the buzzer or walk through reception, while you 're talking to the receptionist, when you filing the application form or perhaps even while you are reading quietly and waiting for the interview to start. So, making a positive first impression is definately a MUST.
The first impression an interviewer makes is going to be based on how you look and what you are wearing. Creating a pleasant outlook of you is important. In many cases, it's important to dress professionally and appropriately for an job interview.

Be confident
People usually believe in you when you are believing in yourself. Even you don't feel confident, you should at least learn how to "fake" it. (I'm not kidding nor bluffing you.) What I mean is you should at least "look" confident even you are not. Learn how to make proper eye contact, perfect your body gestures and watch your pace and voice when you're speaking. Also, remember to be natural. Those should be helping you to look confident.

Understand yourself
I'd perform a SWOT analysis for myself before went to those interview, knowing the skills and strengths that I possess that adequate to the job I am looking for is important. It's not only boost my confidence, but helps to find the balance between my skill and the challenges i am tasked with. Also, it's always important to know that what you can offer before you can ask for your reward.

Give and take
Interview is actually a mutual interaction between interviewer and interviewee. Always keep in mind your objectives, desires and goals, don't just keep trying to make that “good impression” so you can get the job offer, interview is also an opportunity for you to gather information to make sound decision for both parties.

Be prepared
Prepare for those common questions that used to be asked in interview, read up about the company before attending the interview, try to find out as much as you can. Consider to use Google as most companies have their own website which is a good source for you to study before attending the interview.

Be Honest
Always tell the truth even if you don't know because i think interview will know if you're trying to bullshit your way into the job.

Draw your boundary
Set your bottom line and decide when to say "NO" is one of the most crucial part to determine whether to accept an job offer or not. I think sometimes it's not easy to say No because I refuse to limit my opportunities but identity my boundaries actually make me happier as it helps to find the balance between what i want and what i have to sacrifice.

I hope that this is useful to you all, don't forget to like this post. Good night :D