Saturday, August 17, 2013

I'm Eating RIGHT

Just measured my waist this morning. Apparently I slim down my waist from 27 inches or 28 inches (3 mth ago) to 25 inches. Yes! it's 2 or 3 inches!!

Believe or not, I never starve myself in this 3 mths, I eat more, didn't do any workout or apply any product. Nah, don't get me wrong, I actually believe that workout will bring better result, it's just that ..... I'm a lazybump, HAHAHAHA! Perhaps I'll start working out soon to tone my body to a better shape.

So,what I did is having healthy diet intake everyday. I know right, it sounds like I'm having a super incredibly strict diet regime. Well, I don't, I will simply give up because It's too difficult to do so. (I'm not discipline at all) I still eat Mcd/KFC/Curry Mee...etc sometimes.

I think I can continuously do it for 3 months (and I m still doing it now) because it's simple & the result is SUPERB

From what I'd observed, the result that had been achieved in this 3 months are :

1. become slimmer, I didn't measure my weight so I can't tell you my exact weight now. I have flat tummy, my arms and legs are slenderer, my face are smaller. I used to wear M size, but I can wear S or XS size for tops and S size for bottom.

2. Better skin. It's soft, smooth, tight and radiant than ever, I don't have loose skin after I'd become slimmer. I have rosy glow on my face & my pores is smaller. No more sensitive skin issues.

3. I sleep better at night. were having sleeping problem which I thought is due to stress.

4. No more dry, flacky legs. The skin from my knees down to my ankles look like fish scales. They have been very dry for many years. I used to apply a lot of lotion but it never works.

5. I tend to have brown/red spot and tiny bumps on my upper arms, it's not really noticeable if you didn't take a closer look. It's doesn't itchy or hurt, it's just ugly & annoying look at. Now It disappeared, so amazing!!

6. No more cough. The cough had been last for a year plus and wont go away even I'd tried various medicine or methods.

7. I don't really get menstrual cramps and my emotional are more stable in this 3 months when my periods came.

8. I used to wake up feeling tired and achy and groggy again a few hours later. I had to rely on coffee every morning in working days. Now I wake up feeling fresh & don't feel suffer have to get out of my bed every morning. My colleagues said that I look excited every morning.

9. Since childhood, I’ve always had cold hands and feet. I easily feel cold than others and cannot stand the wind or air-cond blowing on me. It's difficult to stay focus when I had icy toes or hand. This condition changed after I'd my current diet.

If you read my previous post, you may realized that my first goal in 2013 is to live healthier. It isn't about losing weight at all. I'd been facing few issues as my age grows, both aging & health issues. it's the main reason why I m always looking for correct way to stay healthier. YES, healthier, not prettier nor slimmer.

I believe, beauty comes from health and vitality than expensive products or surgery. I hope that more people will aware of this fact so they wouldn't have to waste their time & money but still didn't get the result that they want. Besides, I have to thank my babe, Nana for inspire me all the time and sharing info with me. Without her, I may not found the correct way to healthy diet. *HUG* *heartsss*

I'm glad that I'd found a correct diet intake and dying to share it with u all in my next post. Thank for reading :D *wink*

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